Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ways to Support Hormone Health

Hello there!  These past two weeks have been a struggle.  Yep, it happens. 

I KNEW these awful symptoms would hit, I just didn't know when or how bad.  I was getting migraines that started with a stiff neck, along with major dizziness and confusion, AND hot flashes.  So as a homeschooling mom of two, I had to figure out something to get me off the couch/bed and back to schooling.

I tried a few things over the course of about 3 days, but they were only occasionally working.  I knew I needed a chiropractic adjustment and a ZYTO scan to help figure out what essential oils/supplements would help long-term, so I scheduled an appointment with my awesome chiropractor and wellness educator, Dr. Deb Kucharski.  With my neck/back feeling better after Dr. Deb's gentle spinal adjustment, we started on the ZYTO scan.  Via Dr. Deb  "It helps pinpoint exactly what you need to bring you back in balance. I use it in conjunction with chiropractic assessment, and it's right on every time! When the family's under the weather, a Zyto scan gives us great direction as to what's going on.  It's another great tool in the family's medicine chest."  More info on a Zyto scan here.

The scan showed that I was having some respiratory issues (yep, my throat was sore from drainage), had emotional chaos (uh-huh), needed liver support/detox, and a few other things.  So, I'm thinking there's not much listed for hormones...but WAIT.  Dr. Deb reminded me that the Liver provides key functions for our hormone health.  This blog has a very good explanation of our liver's role in balancing hormones.  My liver needed support to do its jobs, essential oils to the rescue!!!
This little bottle of JuvaFlex has helped tremendously!  I apply 2 drops directly over my liver as needed and life has returned to normal.  Dr. Deb also recommended a healthy diet including dark leafy greens and beets for additional liver support.  Here is a great juicing recipe for beet juice.  Along with my JuvaFlex, I have also included large bowls of leafy greens in my daily diet :)

There are various other essential oils to help support hormonal balance, below are a few to check out.  I use SclarEssence daily and the Pro+ as needed.  These oils have been a blessing to me!  Instead of popping pills that have harmful side-effects, I'm all oiled up and happy.  If you are looking for more information about these particular oils for hormonal balance, Dr. Deb has a great educational class called 'Happy Hormones' she teaches on occasion.  Please see her FaceBook page or contact her via email for more details on dates/times.

Progessence Plus
Clary Sage
Lady Sclareol
Dragon Time

How do I fit these superior quality, pricey oils into our budget?  I became a Young Living  wholesale member so we save 24% on all Young Living products!  Another way to save as a wholesale member is Essential Rewards, for a $50 monthly order you earn points to redeem for FREE products.  I recently redeemed mine for the SclarEssence I use daily.  In order to become a wholesale member, you must buy a starter kit....kinda like a Sam's Club membership.  Check out all the details here.  I highly recommend the Premium Starter Kit, it's a super great deal!  You get lots of helpful oils + diffuser + wholesale membership.

Blessings to you and a healthy, happy future,

P.S.  I share these tips as a way to help pay for these oils our family uses.  If any of my information above has helped you, please show me some oily love by referring others to my blog and/or sign up link to order oils here.

Young Living Independent  Distributor, #1431766

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Essential Oils for the Respiratory Bug

With all of last years cancer/baby craziness, our family has a new found respect and love of all things natural and healthy.

I modified my nutrition to be all organic, no dairy, no sugar, and limited protein.  WOW, how much better did I feel!!!  Our family also started using Young Living Essential Oils as natural remedies for all our ailments.  WOW, how much we have learned since then!  I will make occasional posts about what has worked for our family and help you and your family learn more about these wonderful, awesome, blessed essential oils.

This past week a "sore throat/congestion/runny nose/make you tired" bug hit my kids and myself. 
These two essential oils have been our friends during this time, they helped us feel better, get through the day, and rest easy at night.

  • RC - we diluted with coconut oil and applied to our chest/throat area. 
  • Thieves - we applied to our feet, diffused, and also enjoyed in honey and/or tea.
A nice home remedy for sore throat is a simple little tea that one of my Asian friends recommended a few years ago.  Organic green tea + local honey and now I've added 1-2 drop of Thieves.  Oh sooooo soothing and  calming.  It really stopped the hurt and helped me feel better.

If you are interested in ordering YLEOs, please follow this link to check out their best deal.  The Premium Kit has all the great YLEOs of the Everyday Oils (Joy, Frankincense, Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Purification, Panaway, Peace & Calming, Thieves, Valor) + diffuser + Stress Away + AromaGlide Roller Fitment + sample packets.  It was the first kit we ordered and what a great blessing for our family!  This kit also includes a WHOLESALE membership to Young get 24% off all oils, supplements, etc!!!

Feel better soon,

P.S.  I share these tips as a way to help pay for these oils our family uses.  Please bless me with some oil love when purchasing via this link here, my member/sponsor/enroller ID is '1431766'.